New Biomass Energy installing LIMS and WeighWiz

Vancouver, BC, Canada – October 6, 2014 – New Biomass Energy LLC is implementing 3LOG’s LIMS (Log Inventory Management System) and WeighWiz (weigh scale) software for their operations in Quitman, MS.

The new system will provide New Biomass Energy LLC with a foundation to handle contract management, settlement, inventory along with weigh scale management.  This solution will address the immediate needs at the Quitman, MS location and accommodate future growth.

New Biomass Energy LLC is a green energy developer targeting high quality renewable energy opportunities that offer immediate contributions to the green economy.  New Biomass Energy’s focus is on torrefaction of wood to be used by coal burning power plants to supplement the coal and thereby enhance the green aspects of the plants.  New Biomass Energy developed and operates the first commercial scale wood torrefaction facility located in Quitman, Mississippi.

For more information about New Biomass Energy LLC you can visit them online at

For more information about 3LOG Systems or the LIMS and WeighWiz products contact 3LOG at 877-249-3LOG (3564), or by email at