
  • Biomass Utilities

    Biomass is mainly regarded as low grade, low cost waste materials that are used primarily as a fuel source.  Biomass can come from wood or virtually any major source of agriculture matter.  Examples of wood biomass include forest slash, urban wood waste and lumber waste.  At 3LOG our primary focus is on wood derived products but we also accommodate facilities that are bringing in other mass quantities of biomass products outside of wood.
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  • Hardwoods

    Hardwoods come from deciduous trees that drop their leaves every year in comparison to softwoods that come from conifer trees that have needles and normally don’t lose them. The growth rate for hardwoods is very slow in comparison to softwoods.  This also impacts the price of hardwood logs which for the most part are considerably higher value versus softwoods.  Since the logs are more valuable there is the need to manage more details including species, grade, defects and other characteristics.
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  • Pellets

    The wood pellet export industry in North America has grown exponentially in a relatively short period of time. Export value has increased from an estimated 40 million dollars in 2004 to almost 400 million dollars in less than 10 years. This fairly new trade development is the result of Europe’s quest to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and to reduce CO2 emissions.
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  • Softwood Canada

    Softwood is the source of about 80% of the world’s production of timber and coming primarily from conifer trees. There are many uses for Softwood logs with the primary application being lumber to be used in building houses. Within the Canadian market there is uniqueness from province-to-province in the process of transporting, manufacturing and reporting.  We will identify some of those unique requirements for you.
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  • Softwood US

    Softwood is the source of about 80% of the world’s production of timber and coming primarily from conifer trees.  There are many uses for softwood logs with the primary application being lumber to be used in building houses.  Within the US market there are 4 primary regions (Northwest, Midwest, Northeast and Southeast) with the process of manufacturing varying slightly by region.
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  • TIMOs and REITs

    There has been a major shift in industrial forestland ownership in the United States since the 1970’s due to the disintegration of the forest products industry.  The forest products industry, at one time, owned not just the trees, but also the manufacturing facilities, including pulp and saw mills.  However, over the past 20 – 30 years these components have been separated into their own entity, and the timberland is no longer part of an entire system but rather an input into another system; namely the investment market, facilitated by Timberland Investment Management Organizations (TIMOs).
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