Timber Manager Module

The Timber Manager is where you track your timber sources, their owners, sustainability certifications, geographic locations, planned quantities, and more.

Naturally, once entered this information is 100% integrated with all your related information (contracts, deliveries, inventory, etc.) in the Log Inventory and Management System (LIMS).

  • For pulp and paper mills or lumber mills using LIMS as a wood procurement system, the timber manager allows you to track the original source of your wood or fiber, the basis for chain-of-custody tracking and sustainable forestry.
  • For forestry companies using LIMS as log accounting software or a contractor payables system, the Timber Manager allows you to keep detailed records of your owned and licensed woodlands and timberlands. LIMS will relate back all contracts, deliveries, harvesting activities and so on to your timber sources.
  • For timber investment management organizations, the Timber Manager is your detailed asset register that tracks all transactions related to your woodlands or timberlands.


Key Features
Key Benefits

Set up forest areas management area, license, region, source (mark, block, patch) and stratum

The Timber Manager defines the major geography (FMA, District, Management Unit) and a source for minor geography to the area, block and sub block, road assignments and population. You also record ownership and chain-of-custody certification information.

Assign projected harvest amount, expense, and cost centers for each timber source

Projected harvest volume or procurement quantities and cost centers for different regions can be set up under Source Manager in Timber Manager Module.

Set up road data (start node, end node, harvest area, and blocks serviced) and cycle times

The Timber Manager manages all the information concerning the road seasonal conditions, overweight limit, cycle times, and all road related data from the source (e.g. timberland) to the destination (e.g. mill).

Monitor entire inventory to ensure that the harvest volume stays within the planned parameters.

To determine the compliance to the harvest plan, LIMS monitors three values:

  1. Total year-to-date cut per approved invoice
  2. Total cut submitted for stumpage and royalty payment pending approval and invoicing
  3. Current log inventory not yet submitted for stumpage and royalty

Improves operation efficiency

This module helps with an efficient control of your operation by categorizing and defining your woodland operations and applying different tasks to specific harvest areas.

Increases profitability and decrease costs

LIMS helps you comply with your annual harvest quota. By continually monitoring harvest volumes, LIMS has a complete picture of actual harvest-to-date, allowing advanced planning of necessary harvest increase or decrease. Last minute attempts to either an increase or limit harvest is often very expensive and can be easily avoided with the real-time information provided by LIMS.

Product Screens

Screen shot of Timber Species / click to enlarge

Screen shot of Timber Species / click to enlarge

Screen shot of Timber Sources / click to enlarge

Screen shot of Timber Sources / click to enlarge

Screen shot of Destinations / click to enlarge

Screen shot of Destinations / click to enlarge