Seneca Sawmill Company selects 3LOG’s LIMS and WeighWiz solution

Vancouver, BC, Canada – November 27, 2019 – Seneca Sawmill Company selects 3LOG’s LIMS and WeighWiz solution for their three mills in Eugene and one at Noti, Oregon.

Seneca Sawmill Company selected 3LOG knowing that LIMS and WeighWiz are widely used by the majority of lumber mills in North America and specifically by many recognizable companies in OR including; GreenWood Resources, Hampton Lumber, NorthWest Hardwoods, Pacific Lumber & Shipping, Roseburg Forest Products, RSG Forest Products, Stimson and Weyerhaeuser.

Seneca Sawmill currently includes three mills in Eugene and one at Noti, with production levels exceeding 650 million board feet.  Aided by the timber managed by Seneca Jones Timber Company and steam for dry kilns produced from the Seneca Sustainable Energy facility,  Seneca continues to be one of the largest-producing mills on one site in the United States.

For more information about Seneca Sawmill Company you can visit them online at

For more information about 3LOG Systems or available products contact 3LOG at 877-249-3LOG (3564), or by email at